29 Infamous Serial Killers
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Criminals from the past, sociopath or psychopath?
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Gary Rideway Kill Count: 48 This guy is a real ray of sunshine. Gary worked in a truck factory but moonlighted as a prostitute killing necrophiliac. While he was only convicted of 48 murders, he confessed to over twice that many. Gary would go back and have sex with the corpses, which is what finally got him caught after police discovered his DNA on the dead bodies. He was spared the death penalty because he disclosed where his missing victims were. -
Ahmed Suradji Kill Count: 70 Ahmed Suradji was a serial killer from Indonesia. He was a cattle breeder and wannabe wizard. Forty-two women and young girls were killed by him. They ranged from 11 to 30 years of age. His victims were strangled with a cable, after being buried waist deep in the ground. He then buried the victims in a sugar plantation close to his house. His belief was that burying them facing his house was a source of power. In a statement, he claimed his father told him in a dream to kill 70 females and drink their saliva in order to become a mystic healer. He had three wives who were sisters. They were also arrested for aiding in the murders and hiding of the bodies. Suradji was executed by firing squad. Finally, justice. -
Aileen Wuornos Between 1989-90, prostitute-turned-killer Aileen Wuornos murdered seven johns who had the misfortune of looking for a little extra-marital action. A minor traffic accident in one her victim's cars led to her arrest and eventual 2002 execution. -
Alexander Pichushkin Kill Count: 49 They call this man the chessboard killer. Apparently Alexander was a pretty good kid. Unfortunately he had an accident on a swing set which caused a brain injury. He was sent to live with his grandparents and became obsessed with a game that is grandpa taught him. When Alexanders grandfather died he went into a rage. Hed often videotape his killings and wasnt above going after children. One child was dangled from his legs and dropped on his head from a height of over 15 meters. -
Anatoly Onoprienko Kill Count: 52 I dont want to blame all of these on parenting fails but this story from the Ukraine really makes you wonder. Anatoly was sent to an orphanage while his brother got to stay with the family. Thanks dad. When he grew up, they found over 122 murder weapons in his possession. He finally admitted to the killings claiming the voices in his head made him do it -
Andrei Chikalito Kill Count: 56Andrei Chikalito, another man with a rosy childhood, was a serial killer from Russia. At least 52 women and children were sexually assaulted, mutilated and murdered. He confessed to 56 murders, went to trial for 53, and was convicted of 52. He was sentenced to death and executed. During his childhood, he was told of a brother who was kidnapped and eaten by starving neighbors before he was born. Chikalito had a younger sister believed to be conceived when his mother was raped by a German soldier. -
Colin Ireland . Before killing his victims, he would turn all their family picture frames on the mantelpiece towards the wall so that they would not witness the crime. With each successive murder, he grew in confidence and would call the Scotland Yard Police, taunting them to catch him. His first victim was theatre director Peter Walker. He stripped him naked and tied him to the bed before strangling him. Before leaving his residence, he called the police to alert them to the crime. He got away with five murders before the law caught up with him. He had picked up his latest victim, Emmanuel Spiteri, from a gay club. Footage of both of them crossing the street surfaced on CCTV footage and he was finally tracked down. What is even more pathetic is that he had strangled the pet cat of one of his victims Andrew Collier while in the process of murdering him. -
Daniel Camargo Kill Count: 150 It says that Daniel had a distant father who didnt stick up for him when his abusive stepmother went after him. Shed often dress him up in womens clothing for humiliation. Daniel was later engaged to a woman who wasnt a virgin. He agreed to stay with her as long as she helped him find new girls to boink. They obviously got a little carried away. -
Dennis Nilsen Self-professed loner Dennis Linsen had driven at least fifteen young men and boys, probably more, to their deaths. He lured them to his house on some pretext or the other and then killed them. He preserved their corpses and slept with them on his bed for several days till the putrid rotting stench became too much to bare. This was apparently done to alleviate his loneliness. He would have gotten away with his efforts at friendship had neighbours not complained about blocked drains. Nilsen would cut up and burn the corpses once he was done with them and then flush them down the drain. The plumber decided to have the pieces analysed and was shocked to discover the pieces to be human flesh. In 1983 he was sentenced to life imprisonment. -
Dennis Rader Known as the "BTK Killer" blind, torture, kill, Dennis Rader was charged with the murders of 10 people in Kansas including four members of a neighboring family and several other he stalked and became obsessed with between the years of 1971-94. In 2004, Rader began communicating with police, even going so far as to send them information on a floppy disk that would eventually be traced back to his residence. Rader was apprehended and charged with the murders and is currently serving ten consecutive life sentences in a Kansas jail. -
Edmund Kemper Edmund Kemper, known as the "Co-Ed Killer", claimed 10 victims before surrendering to police in 1973. Kemper was confined to a juvenile facility after killing his grandparents at age 15, and carried on with his killings after being released. In 1972-73, Kemper killed his mother and a friend as well as six female college students who he mutilated and had sex with after their deaths. Kemper is currently serving a life sentence in the general population in a California jail. -
Gilles De Rais It is especially sad because prior to turning to a life of crime, he was a celebrated military captain in the army of St Joan of Arc. Born in 1404, Gilles De Rais raped, tortured and killed hundreds of little children, mostly boys. He was attracted to blonde blue eyed little boys. He would promise them sweets and treats and lure them to his castle. He would then torture and mutilate them in the most inhuman methods possible, ejaculating over the dying children. His greatest pleasure lay in bathing in their blood. He liked to stab them in the jugular vein and enjoy the squirting blood sprouting over him. After the deed was done, he was immensely regretful and would whip himself and pray for hours on in the family chapel. His servants were left to burn the bodies in the fire place and clean the room bathing in blood. -
H. H. Holmes Dr. H.H. Holmes confessed to 27 murders, and is believed to have killed as many as 200 people, during the time period surrounding the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago. Holmes ran a hotel equipped for killing- outfitted with gas lines into guest rooms, giant furnaces, lime and acid pits, and large vaults- and would torture, suffocate, and strangle his victims before disposing of them in the facility. Holmes was apprehended in Boston in 1894 and died by hanging in Philadelphia in 1896. -
Javed Iqbal Javed He initially sexually abused two minor boys in June 1998, for which he was supposed to go to prison. He was let off on bail after serving a very short time. It was then that the murderous rage took over. He would stand on street corners and charm boys and men. Once they agreed to come with him, he would drug and rape them. Then he strangled and dismembered their bodies. Then he dunked these dismembered pieces in hydrochloric acid to dissolve them. He would then dump the remains in the public sewers. He would keep the clothes and shoes of his victims as personal mementos. At his sentencing he showed no remorse. He is reported to have said, I am Javed Iqbal, killer of 100 children. I hate this world. I am not ashamed of my action and I am ready to die. I have no regrets. I killed 100 children. -
Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer from Milwaukee who had killed more than seventeen men after luring them to his apartment. He had dismembered their bodies brutally and kept their skulls as souvenirs. He even admitted to eating parts of his victims. He was caught when his final intended victim had managed to escape from him and was running desperately down the road. Fortunately a police patrol car was going down that way that he managed to flag down. Dahmer was sentenced to nine hundred years in jail, but was found dead in his prison cell in 1994. -
Joachim Kroll Born in 1933, Joachim Kroll was a serial killer and cannibal from Germany who had killed and eaten thirteen people, including little children, during his reign of terror. He was finally caught in 1976 when desperate policemen were going from home to home and one exasperated neighbour complained to them of pipes being jammed in the building. The person who was sent to examine the pipes was asked what was blocking them. He replied simply, Guts. Kroll claimed he would slice flesh from his victims and cook them to save grocery bills. He was ordered to serve nine life sentences. But he died in 1991 of a heart attack. -
John Wayne Gacy known as "The Killer Clown", raped, tortured, and murdered at least 33 boys and men between 1972-78 in Chicago, IL. He was discovered by the police to have 29 bodies hidden in the crawl space of his house, and admitted to having killed more men which he disposed of in the river. He was executed by lethal injection in 1994. -
Leonard Lake Charles NgAt least 12 bodies were found on the property of Leonard Lake in Wilseyville, CA including those of two couples and their small child, five men lured to the ranch to be robbed and murdered, and an 18-year-old woman. In addition to the dozen corpses found, police also discovered over 45 pounds of charred human bone fragments which could have come from as many as 25 additional people. Both men videotaped the torture, rape, and killing of several of their victims. Leonard Lake committed suicide by cyanide pill while in police custody, and Charles Ng has been on death row in California since 1999. -
Luis Garavito Kill Count: 300 While most of the killers in this list went after women and girls, Luis preferred little boys. He admitted to killing and raping 147 boys but his actual number could have been well over 300. The real shock is that he only received a sentence of 30 years. Fortunately this was extended, and will be indefinitely. -
Pedro Lopez Kill Count: 110 Pedro came from a household of 13 brothers and sisters. At the age of eight he was kicked out of his house when his prostitute mom caught him fondling one of his sisters. He was taken by a man who repeatedly sodomized him and later morphed in to one of South Americas most notorious serial killers. Police found the graves of 53 victims in Ecuador which led to his nickname Monster of the Andes. -
Richard Chase Richard Chase was an American serial killer who believed that the Nazis were turning his blood into powder by poison they had planted below his soap dish. As a result he was constantly afraid of running out of blood. He would shoot his victims, have sex with the dead body, and then bathe in the resulting pool of blood. Of the number of small children he killed, he ate their internal organs and drank their blood. He was eventually arrested and sentenced to the gas chamber. However, on 26th December 1980 he was found to have committed suicide in prison. -
Pedro Rodrigues Filho Kill Count: 100 Pedro Rodrigues Filho is another fine example of a stable household. Pedro received a brain injury at the hands of his father who would routinely beat Pedro and his mother. Later in life his girlfriend was killed by a gang. Pedro went on a revenge rampage and tortured and killed the gang members involved. He later killed his father in prison who was there for killing Pedros mother with a machete. This guys life story makes the chainsaw massacre look like Bambi. -
Robert Black a van driver from UK, discovered that his job as a van driver gave him access to all kinds of places and this job was perfect for an aspiring serial killer. His specialty was little girls. Though he has been convicted of killing four of them from 1981 to 1986, police believe he killed many more. He would snatch little girls from on the road or convenient locales when no one else was looking. Their bodies would surface days later, mutilated and miles away from where they had been abducted. He was finally caught when spotted bundling a six year old girl into his van in 1990. He is currently serving prison term and will likely never be released. -
Ted Bundy Born in 1946, he raped and murdered an unidentified number of young women from 1974 to 1978. He was supposed to be quite good looking and charming and would always single out his victims in a highly public place. He would either feign injury by wearing a sling or a cast. Or he would pretend to be a public official like a fireman or a policeman. He kept a crowbar below his car seat and would knock out the victims the moment they approached the car. He raped the live victims and then had sex with the dead, decaying bodies. He applied make up on these corpses before having sex with them. He was caught and executed through the electric chair on 24th January 1989. His last words were, Id like you to give my love to my family and friends. -
The Mad Butcher-Ed Gein Also known as the "Plainfield Ghoul", Ed Gein claimed responsibility for the deaths of two women in 1954 and 1957. Both women were shot, dismembered, and kept for trophies in Gein's house and shed. He was tried and convicted for the murder of Bernice Worden and died in a mental facility in 1984. -
Andrei ChikatiloUkrainian Born in 1933 He butchered 53 women and children between from 1978 to 1990 when he was finally caught. He first lured a nine year old girl to the woods and tried to rape her. When she struggled, he slashed her throat. He achieved sexual gratification at the sight of the dying girl begging and from then on was able to achieve an erection only when he violently killed women and children begging for their lives. He would mostly approach prostitutes tramps, but abducted little girls whenever he could. Since he lived in the Soviet era, such crimes tended to be brushed under the carpet because Communist governments likes to claim that terrible crimes like rape and murder only happened in immoral capitalistic countries. He was captured in 1990 and went to trial in 1992. During the trial process, he was kept in a cage at the centre of the courtroom, ironically for his own protection. The bereaved family members of the victims he had killed were out for his blood and would have lynched him were it not for the cage keeping him safe. -
The Son of Sam-David BerkowitzDavid Berkowitz, the "Son of Sam" killer, claimed to be tormented by demons who spoke to him in the form of howling dogs in the neighborhood he lived. In 1976, Berkowitz claimed the first of his six victims, all of whom were shot without provocation, and would not stop until his arrest in 1977. He received a 365 year sentence for his actions -
The Zodiac Killer The Zodiac Killer was responsible for at least five, and as many as 37, people in Northern California between December 1968 and November 1969. In this time the Zodiac, whose identity to this day is still unknown, sent menacing and cryptic messages to local newspapers in and around San Francisco, and continued to send ciphered messages to the newspapers after the killings had stopped. Though many books and articles have named possible suspects, the case remains open and unsolved. -
Toy-Box Killer-David Parker RayDavid Parker Ray, the "Toy-Box Killer", sexually tortured and killed his victims in a converted RV trailer equipped with thousands of dollars of SM and bondage equipment as well as all manner of torture devices. Women were abused and recorded and then presumably killed, though no remains were ever found in or near the Toy-Box's location near Truth or Consequences, NM. Parker Ray died of a heart attack in 2002 shortly after a sentencing plea bargain dealt him a 224 year sentence. -
Yang Xinhai Kill Count: 67 Yang Xinhai was from a poor family. He enjoyed sharp tools like knives and axes. He would use this set of preferred tools to slaughter entire families.
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Gary Rideway Kill Count: 48 This guy is a real ray of sunshine. Gary worked in a truck factory but moonlighted as a prostitute killing necrophiliac. While he was only convicted of 48 murders, he confessed to over twice that many. Gary would go back and have sex with the corpses, which is what finally got him caught after police discovered his DNA on the dead bodies. He was spared the death penalty because he disclosed where his missing victims were.